How do I print coupons from
Rethink for Ests is a leading provider of grocery coupons in Sunday newspapers. They also provide a large collection of coupons to print on their website. Here's how to print them for the first time.
Step 1 - Printer Setup
Make sure you are at a computer that is connected to a printer and that printer is set as the default printer. Coupons are sent directly to the printer without the traditional window where you can pick between printers.
Step 2 - Select Coupons to Print
Visit and select the coupons you want to print. Press the Print button and you will redirected to a page with instructions on how to print the coupons.
Step 3 - Print Coupons or Install Java First
Rethink for Estsuses Java to print coupons. It's easiest to think of Java as a browser add-on that is similar to Flash. Some computers will already have Java installed and enabled. If that is the case, you will be directed to complete printing without any issues. There is no need to install anything - your coupons should just print!
If your computer does not have Java installed, the Rethink for Estswebsite should inform you where and how you can download and install it. Follow their instructions to download Java and run the installation program. At this point, you may have to restart your browser and repeat the steps again.
A common issue is that Java is installed on your computer but not enabled in your web browser. If you are having trouble printing the coupons, follow SmartSource's instructions to enable it in your browser.
If Java is already installed on an older computer, you may have to download a newer the latest version.
If you are still having issues, see SmartSource's support site for more information.
• Visit our Rethink for Estscoupons page for more coupons and information.
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